Emanuele Ierovante was born on April 10, 1973 in Rome.

After graduating in artistic maturity at the First Art School in Rome, he attended the Institute of Ornamentals Arts  "S. Giacomo" in Rome, improving the various painting techniques. His works range from tempera, to acquerello and oil.

He exposed his works at several exhibitions, the latest in Rome (in October 2002) and Genzano, at the Museum "dell'Infiorata" (July 2003).

In July 2004, his first personal exhibition in Rome at the art gallery "Il moto della mente".

In 2006 another his personal exhibition, at the Sun Bay Hotel  in Civitavecchia (Rome).

COPYRIGHT © Emanuele Ierovante - 2000 -2008
Last update: January 2008
it is possible to contact Emanuele Ierovante at the address: